đź“‘ HTML Report Template#

This document shows the use of pv_evaluation to automatically report on a disambiguation’s performance using the pv_evaluation.templates.render_inventor_disambiguation_report() function.

This function requires:

  • A list of disambiguations saved to file (tables with a “mention_id” column and a second column representing cluster ID assignment).

  • A “inventor_not_disambiguated” file with the columns “patent_id”, “inventor_sequence”, “raw_inventor_name_first”, and “raw_inventor_name_last”. For granted patents, this should be the “g_inventor_not_disambiguated.tsv” file from PatentsView’s bulk data downloads.

Below, we download “g_inventor_not_disambiguated.tsv” and prepare a set of disambiguations to evaluate.

Data Preparation#

Downloading “g_inventor_not_disambiguated.tsv” and the file containing persistent inventor disambiguations:

import pandas as pd
import wget
import zipfile
import os

if not os.path.isfile("g_inventor_not_disambiguated.tsv"):
    with zipfile.ZipFile("g_inventor_not_disambiguated.tsv.zip", 'r') as zip_ref:

if not os.path.isfile("g_persistent_inventor.tsv"):
    with zipfile.ZipFile("g_persistent_inventor.tsv.zip", 'r') as zip_ref:

Preparing a set of distinct disambiguations saved to file:

if not os.path.isfile("disambiguation_20211230.tsv") or not os.path.isfile("disambiguation_20220630.tsv"):
    g_persistent_inventor = pd.read_csv("g_persistent_inventor.tsv", sep="\t", dtype=str)
    g_persistent_inventor["mention_id"] = "US" + g_persistent_inventor.patent_id + "-" + g_persistent_inventor.sequence

    g_persistent_inventor.set_index("mention_id").disamb_inventor_id_20211230.to_csv("disambiguation_20211230.tsv", sep="\t")
    g_persistent_inventor.set_index("mention_id").disamb_inventor_id_20220630.to_csv("disambiguation_20220630.tsv", sep="\t")

Rendering Report#

We can now generate the report using the render_inventor_disambiguation_report() function. The results are saved to the current folder “.”.

Note that, if we wish to compare more disambiguations, then we can add more files to the list disambiguation_files.

from pv_evaluation.templates import render_inventor_disambiguation_report

render_inventor_disambiguation_report(".", disambiguation_files=["disambiguation_20211230.tsv", "disambiguation_20220630.tsv"],
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WARNING: Warning: diff of engine output timed out. No source lines will be available.
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  date-format: long
  lang: en
  title: Inventor Disambiguation Report
  date: today
  author: PatentsView-Evaluation
  toc-location: left
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Output created: index.html


The result can be seen at https://patentsview.github.io/PatentsView-Evaluation/source/examples/templates/index.html